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Solutions through Soil Ecology

Exploring the power of soil ecology in addressing global environmental challenges

Monday, May 20

8:30-10:30                   Poster Session with donut bar and beverages                     Salon AB

10:30-11:00                 Break                                                                                                       Atrium

11:00-11:30                  Opening session and welcome                                                    Salon AB

11:30-12:30                  Early Career Award winner talks                                                  Salon AB

                                        Dr. Angela Possinger “Minerals, microbes, and moisture:

                                        Predicting soil organic matter climate vulnerability across

                                        spatial scales”

                                        Dr. Ernest Osburn “Assessing the effects of viruses on

                                        soil carbon cycling in contrasting ecosystem types”

12:30-1:30                  Lunch in Grand Rapids

1:30-3:00                    Oral presentations, break out session #1                                Salon A/B, C, D

3:30-6:00                    Meijer Gardens, Atwater Brewery, Walking Tours                  Meet in lobby

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